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 You will be successful. Envision it and you will live it. 
"Be unassuming. Otherwise, you'll cry."

Wanting every letter in the alphabet.

Wanting every letter on alphabet is tiring. Wanting it all comes with working harder than most. Wanting it all is balance and sacrifice. How to be better is what I want to know. 'Starting tommorow' is what I throw. Starting tommorow. Starting tommorow. 

My life in some attempt of summation.

My life in some attempt of summation, has been the lack of space. A safe space to be deep, intellectual, vulnerable. I think subcontiously, that's why I started writing. It's easier to feel when I'm not calculating. When I'm raw, and entirely honest. I can hate without feeling like I shouldn't. I can relish in passionate without being too much. It's like a personal study or library where I'm free to scream on top of my lungs. I can be everything. Guarded and powerful. Hopeful and cynical. Logical and emotional. My life in some attempt of summation. 


 Im selfish. When I don't get what I want, I put myself through self-loathing.  It's as if I threw away all the care and concern people have for me. I'm selfish. A case study. 
I have boundary issues. Both setting them. But also, respecting them. I'm fallible. I want to be a strong person. I think if something  like this comes up again; a moment of weakness, I need distance. 
I am okay not being with you. For a long time I feared the idea of losing you. Losing you to somebody else.   I realized something. If someone had the kind of love I have for them. Then I'm not the only one who that's scared. I am okay with not being with you if I am not someone you are afraid of losing.  If a person comes along in my life that has that level of fear and that level of love, then that's great. Though, that shouldn't be an expectation. I don't need a another person to fear losing me. I can do all of that myself. I am okay not being with you. I shouldn't feel like 
More than enough times to be highly suspicious. More than enough times to be concerned. More than enough times where I get the 'answers' I feel like I ignore. I'm too affected which shows I'm insecure. There's no true intimacy without trust. I'm scared of it, but I am choosing to trust. Whatever outcomes, I'll be okay. 
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